Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineers | Key functions

Mechanical Engineering 
Mechanical engineering is a discipline of engineering that applies the principles of physics and materials science for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems.It is the branch of engineering that involves the production and usage of heat and mechanical power for the design, production, and operation of machines and tools. It is one of the oldest and broadest engineering disciplines. This field requires an understanding of core concepts including mechanics, kinematics, thermodynamics, materials science, and structural analysis.

Mechanical Engineers 
Mechanical engineers are concerned with the principles of force, energy and motion. Mechanical engineers are professionals with expert knowledge of the design and manufacture of mechanical systems and thermal devices and processes. Mechanical engineers use the principles of energy, materials, and mechanics to design and manufacture machines and devices of all types. They create the processes and systems that drive technology and industry. Mechanical engineers work on power-producing machines such as electric generators, IC engines, and steam turbines and gas turbines. Mechanical engineers also work on power-using machines such as refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment, machine tools, material handling systems, elevators and escalators, industrial production equipment, and robots used in manufacturing. They also design tools that other engineers need for their work. In addition, they work in manufacturing or agriculture production, maintenance, or technical sales; many become administrators or managers.

Some examples of products and processes developed by Mechanical engineers
  • Engines and control systems for automobiles and aircraft
  • Electric power generation plants
  • Lifesaving medical devices
  • Consumer products ranging from air conditioners to personal computers and athletic equipment
Virtually every aspect of life is touched by mechanical engineering. If something moves or uses energy, a mechanical engineer was probably involved in its design or production.

Foundation of Mechanical Engineering 
Mechanics, energy and heat, mathematics, engineering sciences, design and manufacturing form the foundation of mechanical engineering.

Mechanical Engineer Importance Quote by Henry R (obinson) Towne 
The monogram of our national initials, which is the symbol for our monetary unit, the dollar, is almost as frequently conjoined to the figures of an engineer's calculations as are the symbols indicating feet, minutes, pounds, or gallons.

This statement, while true in regard to the work of all engineers, applies particularly to that of the mechanical engineer.

The key functions of mechanical engineers
  • Analysis: visualize what is happening and clearly state the problem
  • Design: Formulation of a plan or scheme to assist an engineer in creating a product.
  • Synthesis: Pull all the factors together in a design


Nisha Arya said...

Great post & thanks for sharing this information. Mechanical Engineering is one of the best oldest trade in Engineering field

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